Male Yoga (Broga)

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Do you consider yoga to be a little too ladylike?

Well fellas, yoga is not a women's only club. Yoga offers plenty of benefits that appeal to men too. And for this week’s blog, I decided to dedicate it to all the men out there who have been afraid to do yoga because they can't touch their toes, or are hesitant to walk into a class with all women.  


Here are 10 reason to get on your yoga mat:


Check your ego at the door. There is no competition here!

Men are very competitive and are taught this at an early age.  Well there is no competition in yoga. In yoga, what the person next to you is doing doesn’t matter. It’s just you and your mat. Each day is different and some days you might be able to do more than others and that's ok. Yoga teaches us to live in the present and accept where and who we are. Each time we step onto the mat, we explore our boundaries, nurture our bodies, and work on being kinder to ourselves.

Total Health:

Yoga looks at the full spectrum of health and not just at being strong, having ripped muscles, a tight body or being flexible. If your mind isn’t calm and your heart isn’t open, if you feel anxious, or depressed, but you have nice muscles, who cares?

Being strong, having pain-free movement, being flexible and existing peacefully is where it’s at and yoga encompases all of that! Yoga allows you to explore your boundaries and opens you up to wonderful experiences physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Improves Sex Life:

Yoga has been know to boost your sex drive. A study completed by the Journal of Sexual Medicine said that yoga improves all sexual functions in men, including desire, performance, erection, and ejaculation control.

Yoga increases body awareness, which helps reduce anxiety and increase blood flow to the genital area. It also helps rid the body of toxins that affect sexual performance.

Prevents Injuries:

If you often experience aches and pains and soreness either from being physically active or sitting at a desk all day, yoga can help. Yoga improves flexibility and range of motion, which helps lengthen muscles and eliminate tightness and strains. Yoga also improves joint durability by strengthening connective muscle tissue.

Builds Muscle:

Weightlifting is not the only way to build muscles. Yoga uses body weight and resistance to build lean muscle mass. Yoga lengthens muscles and tissue, which improves blood flow. Better blood flow means more oxygen to the muscles, which helps recovery and helps your muscles grow.

Enhances Productivity:

Research found that people who frequently participate in a 20-minute yoga session had improved memory and inhibitory control (or the ability to focus and retain new information). These people made confident work decisions, had better energy, improved work relationships, and had better focus and memory retention compared to those who jogged or walked for 20 minutes.

Boosts Immune System:

Yoga classes can support your immune system, nervous system, digestive health and more! Studies show that when people practice yoga regularly, their immune system gets stronger and their body's ability to fight off germs and viruses improves significantly. Yoga does this by flushing the body of toxins, particularly if you do any form of hot yoga (i.e. at Empower Yoga)

Yoga Challenges You:

Yoga offers a whole body workout gathering support from the cardiovascular, skeletal, muscular, and endocrine systems.

Whether you're trying to master a new pose, arm balance, inversion, or just trying to focus your mind during a hectic day, yoga can help teach you how to grow and get stronger, challenging you to be your best and strongest self both physically and mentally.

Relieves Stress:

Studies completed by The Mayo Clinic show that people who did yoga regularly had lower levels of stress and anxiety. Yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system, a counterweight to the fight-or-flight response of stress, ultimately reducing levels of cortisol, a primary stress hormone.  When cortisol levels are high it can harm thyroid function, damage muscle tissue, increase blood pressure, cause inflammation, and more if cortisol is too high.

Improves Self Confidence:

When you feel stronger, aligned, in balance, have increased body awareness, are more flexible, and have an increased sex drive, you will most likely begin to feel more confidant.


So maybe it’s time to man up, and get your yoga on ;)



Thank You To My Family & Friends

I wanted to dedicate this week’s blog to you; my friends and family. If you're a new reader to my blog, you may not be aware that last weekend, my husband and I opened our very first business, a yoga studio- Empower Yoga.  I have been talking about starting this business for over two years and now my dreams have finally come to fruition.  I have so much to be grateful for in my life, particularly for all of the wonderful people in it; who have been a part of my journey, helping me get to this point. This letter/blog is for you!


Dear Friends & Family,

The outpouring of love and support I received not only during the Grand Opening Celebration last weekend, but throughout this journey of life, means the world to me.  Without you all, I may not be where I am today.  I wanted to write you this letter to thank you and let you know how much you all mean to me!

To My Husband-

Thank you for always encouraging me to pursue my dreams. Thank you for always helping me reach my goals and support me every time I make new ones, no matter how crazy they seem. Thank you for always having my back, for reeling me in when I’ve gone too far, for knowing when to push me, but also knowing when to back off, for loving me, for lifting me up when I am down, for tolerating my crazy diets, antics, for always making me smile, for being my shoulder to cry on, and for being my number one supporter and biggest fan. I love our life together and look forward to all of the exciting adventures to come. I love you to the moon and back!

To My Family-

While we may not get to choose our family, we get to choose how much we love them. After everything we’ve been through over the years, I can’t help but choose to love you all more and more every day. We are a unit and we are a strong (slightly dysfunctional at times lol, as most families are) and I wouldn’t wish to have it any other way.

The great thing about family is that you’ve seen me at my lowest, in my most awkward years (four eyed brace face, spiky hair, janko jeans, etc…), but you still love me unconditionally and choose to be my supporters and cheerleaders. I have only had the strength to grow and become more because I knew you were behind me every step of the way. You're the ones that raised me, provided for me, laughed with me, wiped my tears, grew with me, and ultimately showed me how to love unconditionally. You’ve taught me to never back down and to take the world by storm.  The love of a family extends outside of the walls of our home; you have shown me that this love is everywhere, all the time, and it never fades. I love you all so much, thanks for loving me too!

To My Friends-

Thank you for not squashing my dreams, but rather encouraging them. Thank you for not judging or criticizing me, or telling me I am wasting my time and money when I told you that Dan and I wanted to open a yoga studio. Thank you for empowering me, helping me know that I was on track, right where I needed to be. For helping me to feel able, in balance and hopeful. Without it, I may not be here today. Thank you for listening to me, even when I talked excessively, for helping me off the ledge when I was feeling anxious, for helping me run off some of my energy and brainstorm  ideas, for pushing me to find my strongest self inside and outside the gym, and for showing me that family does not have to be blood, but that friends are family too.  

I couldn't have asked for better people in my life. Thank you for being their for me, for caring about me, loving me, believing in me, and empowering me to be and do my best.




You Don't Need To Be Flexible To Do Yoga

When you think of yoga, a few words probably come to mind - flexibility, stretching, and breath. For those who perceive themselves as not flexible and unable to touch your toes, this can be very discouraging. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard: “I can’t do yoga because I’m not flexible”.  This seems so silly to me. That’s like saying that your teeth are too dirty to brush. Flexibility is a product of yoga, not a prerequisite. I think people's perception of what they think yoga is and what yoga actually is may be skewed, so I hope to change that.


Here’s what you need to know before you go.

What WILL NOT happen:

  • You will not be required to touch your toes, stand on your head, bend into a pretzel, or do other advanced poses.  

  • Your teacher will not yell at you or make you feel bad if you don’t know a pose/posture

  • The  other students in class will not laugh at you if you can’t do something.

What WILL happen:

  • You will be able to use props and other modifications during the class to help you get into certain poses

  • You will get to see and hear about a pose before you try to do them

  • You will be encouraged to breathe and reach your potential

  • You will get better at the poses over time

  • You will grow to love yoga

Your practice doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be you. Yoga meets you where you are and takes you beyond where you thought you could go.

I believe yoga is for every BODY.

When I found yoga (actually, when yoga found me), I had poor shoulder mobility as well as tight hips and hamstrings. I never let that hold me back from finding my own unique practice and with time, yoga helped me to become more open and able. Yoga provides people of all ages, backgrounds, shapes, and sizes, with their own practice. The time on your mat is an opportunity for you to explore your own unique body. To find length, to ground down, to breathe,  to open up, and experience the healing power yoga has to offer. Your practice is a time to be on your mat  where you can spoil yourself with the strength in your body, the calming of your mind, and stillness all around.

Many people, different goals, lots of yoga.

Growth in yoga takes on many forms. For some, yes, it’s going from not touching your toes to being able to. For others, it’s finding your ability to calm the mind, to breathe, to be more present, to open up, to face your fears, and overall create a better you.

Most days I can't get into funky arm balances or twists, and I’m still fighting that fear of handstands, but yoga has made me a better person.  It’s not because I finally nailed a certain pose, but because with perseverance, positivity, and strength, I have pushed and expanded my limits and can do more than I ever thought possible, both on and off the mat.

Find yoga, find yourself.

When you step onto your mat,  it’s a time to calm and clear your mind.  Stop worrying about to-do lists, and stop any judgment you have of yourself or others. It is time to not worry about what anyone else's practice looks like, or compare yourself with them. Getting on your mat means focusing on improving yourself and being the best version of you!

Give yoga a try. Be on your own mat. Focus on your practice and know yoga is more than being flexible and looking cool, it’s about finding yourself.



Refueling Post Yoga


Practicing yoga is the perfect way to stretch and tone your muscles while clearing your mind and relieving stress. In order to get the most out of your practice, nutrition is key. Eating before class is not ideal, but eating and replenishing your body after is necessary!

When getting ready to practice, it’s not recommended to practice on a full stomach. Attending a yoga class with a full belly could cause stomach aches, nausea, and embarrassing gas. The general rule is to stop eating one- two hours before class. This will help alleviate any digestive difficulties. If you’re worried about being hungry, a good pre-workout snack is a small portion of fruit, vegetables, salad or soup. Avoid heavy, slow-digesting meals, high-fiber vegetables, beans, as well as rich or spicy foods. You’ll regret that when you go to invert or twist.

After, is the time to eat, refuel, and replenish your body with nutrients that will fully enhance the effects of your yoga practice.

Here are five tips/snacks that will will keep you fit, full and fueled after class and for the remainder of your day.


After a yoga class,especially hot yoga, make sure you hydrate and restore your electrolytes. This will help avoid dehydration, soreness, and cramping. You should already be drinking at least five to six tall glasses of water a day, and even a few more if you’re working out. You can try infusing your water with cucumbers, lemons or limes to make it more flavorful. Additionally, I love to drink coconut water to help rehydrate. Coconut water is refreshing, natural, and has tons of electrolytes.

Drink a smoothie

Drinking smoothies is one of the best ways to consume more healthy foods both before and after class. They're convenient, simple and save you the time and stress of preparing a full meal.

When making a smoothie try adding leafy greens (i.e. kale or spinach), fruit (fresh or frozen- i.e. blueberries, strawberries, bananas), protein powder (I LOVE Orgain plant protein) and a liquid (i.e. water, coconut water, or almond milk) together, then blend and enjoy. For an extra boost and additional protein, I also like to add PB powder, chai seeds, and/or flax seeds to mine.

I find smoothies to be filling, hydrating and most importantly, easy to make. This post-yoga snack is healthy and satisfying; especially if you have a sweet tooth like me. For more about making smooties, visit:   

Scrambled egg whites and whole-grain toast

Perfect for anyone who practices in the morning. Egg whites contain plenty of protein without the fat from the yolks, and whole-grain breads have complex carbohydrates that will keep your energy high for hours. Maybe even scramble your eggs into an omelet, add your favorite veggies and enjoy. You can even add nut butter (i.e. peanut or almond butter ) onto your whole-grain toast for added protein and “good fats” that keep your heart healthy.

Greek yogurt

Great for any on-the-go yogi. This is a great snack that’s packed with extra protein and calcium to boost healing.


Skip the plain old garden salad and go for a colorful combo of leafy greens, fruit, and  protein (i.e. nuts, chicken, fish, eggs, beans, fruits, and nuts). Not only are these types of salads packed with vitamins, but these enhanced types of salad can also help eliminate toxins, cleanse your body and even give your skin a healthy glow. Eating fresh, natural foods that are high in protein and filled with nutrients will enhance the toning effect of your yoga practice and keep your post-yoga glow going for hours off your mat. For more green salad ideas, visit:

Whatever snack you choose, keep your ingredients fresh and watch your portions in order to ensure the most health benefits possible. Enjoy!




What is Yoga & Other Frequently Asked Questions

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Whether you're new to yoga or have been wondering the same thing for years, I’ve got some answers to some of yoga's most frequently asked questions.

What Is Yoga?

When you think of yoga, do you think of people hopping up into handstand, doing seemingly impossible balances, and weirdly twisted poses? I bet some of you do… well yoga is much more than that. Yoga is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge and was derived from the Sankrit word "yuj" which means "to unite or integrate". Yoga is all about harmonizing the body with the mind and breath through the means of various breathing techniques, yoga postures (asanas) and meditation.

What Does Namaste Mean?

Nama means bow, as means I, and te means you. Therefore, namaste literally means “bow me you” or “I bow to you.”

Namaste is a gesture/greeting that represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment and universal recognition of spiritual energy. By stating namaste, your souls is recognizing and honoring the light in someone else's.

What Does Om Mean?

Om is a mantra, or vibration, that is traditionally chanted at the beginning and end of a yoga class. It is said to be the sound of the universe. The entire universe is moving nothing is ever solid or still. There exists a pulsating, rhythmic vibration that the ancient yogis acknowledged with the sound of Om. We may not always be aware of the sound, but it’s there. You can hear it in the blowing of the leaves, the waves crashing on the shore, or inside a seashell.

Chanting Om allows us to recognize the universal movement through our breath, our awareness, and our physical energy. We begin to sense a bigger connection that is both uplifting and soothing.

Do I Have to Be Vegan or Vegetarian to Practice Yoga?

The first principle of yoga philosophy is ahimsa, which means non harming to self and others. Some people interpret this to include not eating animal products. There is a debate about this in the yoga community. I believe that it is a personal decision that everyone should make for themselves. If you are considering becoming a vegan or vegetarian, be sure to take into account your personal health and perhaps consult your doctor. You do not have to be either to practice yoga.

How Many Times Per Week Should I Practice?

Yoga is strengthening, cleansing, and detoxifying. Whether you practice once a week or everyday you will still see and feel the benefits of yoga. However, when you go more frequently you will experience the shift in your body sooner. I suggest starting with two or three times a week. Go when you can. After a while, I am sure your desire to practice will increase and you will find yourself doing more and more.

How Is Yoga Different From Stretching or Other Kinds of Fitness?

Unlike stretching or fitness, yoga is more than just physical postures. Yes you’re body will become stronger and more flexible as it would if you just stretched, but so will your mind. Through yoga we are able to connect the movement in our bodies with our mind and to the rhythm of our breath. When we do this, we begin to direct our attention inward, allowing ourselves to become more present and aware of our experiences. Yoga is about building awareness in our bodies without judgement.

Is Yoga a Religion?

Yoga is not a religion. It is a philosophy that began in India an estimated 5,000 years ago. The father of classical ashtanga yoga (the eight-limbed path) is said to be Patanjali, who wrote the Yoga Sutra. These scriptures provide a framework for spiritual growth and mastery over the physical and mental body. Yoga sometimes interweaves other philosophies such as Hinduism or Buddhism, but it is not necessary to study those in order to practice yoga.

I’m Not Flexible. Can I Do Yoga?

Yes! You are a perfect candidate for yoga. Many people think that they need to be flexible to begin yoga, but that’s not true. Come as you are and you will find that your yoga practice will help you become more flexible as well as balanced, stronger, and more coordinated. 

What Do I Need to Begin?

All you need to begin is an open mind and a desire to learn. When you begin, look around and find a studio and style that’s right for you. Consider investing in a nice pair of leggings or shorts and a t-shirt or tank.  Make sure they are not too baggy and maybe get some things that are sweat wicking. We practice barefoot, so there is no need for shoes and socks, leave them at the door! Bring a water bottle and towel, as well as a yoga mat to class if you have one.  No mat? That’s ok, most studios have mats you can borrow. 

Why Are You Supposed to Refrain From Eating 2–3 Hours Before Class?

In class we will twist, turn, and bend. So if you have not fully digested your last meal, it may make you feel uncomfortable. If you’re afraid that you might get hungry or feel weak during yoga class, experiment with a light snack such as yogurt, a few nuts, or juice about 30 minutes to an hour before class.

Yoga for Runners

For me, yoga and running have always gone hand in hand. Yoga has many benefits on both a runner's body (improved flexibility, range of motion, muscular strength, prevent injuries) and mind (more focus, less stress). Yoga is a great way to help runners improve performance and prevent injury. Yoga also helps to relieve soreness and tension in your muscles and restores range of motion so you can run better the next time you’re out on the road.

Many people often ask how I can run so much, while minimizing injuries. For me, the number one reason why, has been yoga. Yoga has helped me in countless ways over the years, both physically and mentally.  No one wants to get hurt; injuries are not only painful, but can sideline you for months. I couldn’t even imagine what I would do with myself if I couldn’t run. Therefore, it’s important we remember to be smart and train smart.  Smart training can help make sure that injuries don’t stand in the way of your training. Therefore, spending some time on your yoga mat might be your best bet and just what the doctor ordered, it certainly has been for me. Practicing yoga asanas (poses) can help keep muscles limber, and yoga’s emphasis on mindfulness can bring about increased focus and awareness. So why not practice? Today is a great time to start- no time like the present as I like to say!

So why strike a pose? Studies have shown that yoga decreases stress, helps with weight loss, eases pain, helps people stick to an exercise routine, and even improves running times.

Here are some other reason runners should try yoga….

Yoga is a great partner. Training for the NJ marathon? Yoga can help you stay injury free by cultivating a balance between strength and flexibility in the body.

Yoga helps you become more present and aware of what your body needs. One key way yoga can help prevent running injuries is by cultivating mindfulness. The more aware you are of how your body feels from day to day or from pose to pose, the more likely you are to notice tight or injury prone areas that need attention.

Competitive and endurance sports like running encourage us to override the internal voice that wants us to stop, especially when we hit the wall in a marathon. However, sometimes when we ignore this voice, we can get injured. However, when we start to listen, as we do in a yoga class we can align and support ourselves in a more kind and mindful way.

Build mind-body awareness. Runners can use yoga practice to balance strength, increase range of motion, and train the body and mind. Asanas move your body through poses while teaching you how to coordinate your breath with each movement. Eventually your body, mind, and breath will be integrated in all actions.

Yoga helps you stretch smarter. Yoga’s combination of active and passive stretching is one way to help keep injuries at bay.

  • Active stretching—moving and stretching the body dynamically creates warmth and mobility to the tissues.
  • Passive stretching—holding a posture for a minute or more in a way that’s relaxed, allows muscles to lengthen even more.

Yoga allows you to stretch your feet. Flex, point, or fl-ointing your feet, allow them to feel good! Hitting the pavement again and again can take its toll on your feet, so it’s essential for runners to make time to care for them. A typical yoga practice stretches, strengthens and brings increased awareness to the feet.

Yoga helps build strength in the body and allows you to conquer chronic injuries. Yoga helps you find a state of equilibrium in your body that helps prevent chronic injuries and illnesses.  In yoga, you’ll work your core, quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, & IT band (amongst other things, but these areas are extra important to runners). Working, stretching, and strengthening these areas will help you to run more efficiently and stay injury free.

Your hips will be happy. If your hips are tight, your mobility becomes limited, which can cause IT band pain, knee pain, as well as extra and unwanted stress to the back of your legs and feet.  Yoga will open your hips, keep your muscle in peak condition, and allow you to run pain free.

Yoga can help bring your body into balance. The pain most runners feel is not from running alone, but from imbalances that running causes and aggravates. Yoga can help you balance them out, so you can keep running long and hard for many years to come.

Yoga can be the ultimate cross-training for runners. Poses that mimic the running stride, for example, lunges, can help you stay flexible through the range of motion you use to run.

Yoga helps you to be humble. It can take years to learn and truly master yoga poses, so don't go to your first several classes and expect to learn everything immediately. And certainly don't go and worry about what the person next to you is doing. So what if you can’t do what they can, just focus on you. Yes, you may be a great runner, have had tons of PRs, have won races, whatever… but on your mat, none of that matters. Yoga is not about winning or being better than someone else, it's about being the best YOU in that moment. Accept and appreciate your body and mind for where it's at and don't’ be so hard on yourself. Allow the movement and stretching to feel good.

When you're ready and the time is right for you to start, be sure to shop around and find a class that is right for you. There's no single style of yoga that's best for every runner, but it’s important to find one you enjoy.  Find a studio (i.e Empower Yoga) or class that makes you feel good, has a good vibe, good instructor, etc.. and just keep going and doing it.  Practicing yoga consistently is more important than what type of yoga you practice.
