
Why practice HOT yoga??

Why practice HOT yoga??

Hot yoga loosens the muscles naturally and safely, allowing you to find more freedom, flexibility and ease in tight areas. Practicing hot yoga a few times a week helps the tight muscles stay strong, but also become more pliable and flexible. The benefit: You’ll lengthen and strengthen your body so you can remain active, in shape, and feel good for a long time!

At Empower Yoga, we strive to provide a well-rounded workout (cardio, weight bearing, stretching and more) that makes you feel good from head to toe. If you can commit and incorporate yoga regularly (2 to 3 times a week), you’ll see results like better sleep, improved respiration, energy and vitality, and weight loss within a month.

Here are just some of the other benefits of hot yoga:

  • Improved range of motion and flexibility

  • Better balance and mobility

  • Improved focus

  • Mindfulness

  • Increased core strength

  • Injury prevention

The heat makes your muscles more elastic and pliable allowing for deeper and safer stretching. The heat also allows blood and oxygen to be delivered to the muscles helping them to build, lengthen and repair more easily. This increased blood and oxygen also speeds up the body’s ability to breakdown glucose and fatty acids that help shed fat tissue and weight.

In addition, hot yoga gives the body the rest it needs from repetitive motions of sports or daily life while still offering a solid and supportive workout. Another great benefit is the breath control you learn in yoga will help keep your mind and body calm in stressful conditions on and off your mat.

So what are you waiting for?? Register for class today!!

Check out our NEW Client Special- 30 Days of UNLIMITED yoga- $59


The climate of the world and the time of year has certainly ushered many beginnings. 

For me, September is a month that signals new beginnings. September, more than January, feels like the start of a new year for a variety of reasons. Life settles into a routine. Vacations and lazy days of summer are over. Children return to school. Days are shorter and nights are cooler. 

From childhood, we are programmed to see September as a fresh start. Childhood memories trigger new energy when we remember new school clothes, new books, new teachers, etc.. Making this time of year a great opportunity for us to make a change, to start something new and take stock of the year.  A full quarter of 2020 remains to make progress on the goals and aspirations that were important back in January that we may not have been able to do, but perhaps we can start now.  

As I think about what lies ahead I have taken some time to step back, pause, & reflect on where I have been. I am someone who always has a plan, a goal, a direction and with the uncertainty of life at the moment it has forced me to redefine my expectations, evaluate my future, and in some ways begin again. I had to start to ask myself “what do you want?” 

Ganesha- God of beginnings and remover of obstacles.

Ganesha- God of beginnings and remover of obstacles.

My yoga studio has been closed for several months and while we have reopened (thank god) things are hard and feel so different. Things cannot operate as they once were. However, I try to remember that while we are limited in ways, there is still so much we can do and so much love, support, and hope that we can offer.  It's a new time and a new beginning for me in many ways. While some things remain the same, so much has changed and continues to change. 

To help with these transitionary times, I often look to my yoga practice for guidance. While practicing, I started to think about the elephant god, Ganesh. He is known as the remover of obstacles, a deity of prosperity, and the lord of new beginnings. It got me thinking about changing my mindset. When starting something new, it requires you to first clear space and recognizes the importance of the “beginners mindset” so that you can look at things with fresh clear eyes; filled with wonder and excitement. Not dwell on what was once or what was lost, but on where we can go from here. Since then, I have started to connect with the foundation of my yoga practice- asana, breath, mindfulness- and am using it as a way to harness the power and embrace the energy of Ganesh. To draw upon it for inspiration, wisdom, and clarity as I navigate these new times. I have to say that I am optimistic and incredibly hopeful for the future. 

I hope that whatever it is you may be beginning or going through, that you too find the hope and clarity you need. Try to remember that new beginnings can be exciting and bring a sense of anticipation. Now is your chance to start anew. Pause, reflect, and ask yourself, what is it that you want? Is it time for a new beginning?  Can you too harness the power of Ganesh, allow him to help remove any obstacles in your way and help inspire you to start again? Remember, every day is a new beginning in itself. What would be the first thing you would change today?

A Decade in Review- By Keri Mandell


Ten years ago, I was twenty-eight. I was married, living in Boston, and working in Brookline Public School. Such as in life, there were good times and bad. Over the last decade, my life has changed pretty dramatically. After having cancerous cells removed from my cervix and leaning I could never have kids, I was deeply depressed. Then finding out my dad and stepmom had terminal cancer, I found myself in a pretty dark and scary place. Now years later, I did climb out of the hole I was in and can say that I have truly learned to appreciate and love my life. Those dark times taught me that life is fragile. We do not know how long we have. I try to live every day to the fullest, strive to work hard and train hard, to be kind, give back, and hopefully inspire people along the way.  I want to leave my mark on this world so that when I look back at my life, I can say that I gave it my all, that I helped as many people as I could, making a difference in their lives through my actions and words.   

This decade was both good and bad. There were times when I felt like I was drowning and others when I felt invincible. Looking back and reflecting about the last decade has given me a chance to look back and see how far I’ve come. It’s given me a chance to learn some real and valuable sh*t. I’d like to share some of what I’ve learned with you.

Don’t be afraid to follow your heart and do what makes you truly happy.

In today’s society, we are told what to do, what to think, almost brainwashed a little.  For a long time, I felt I had to follow the norm and live by what I believed to be society's standards- you go to college, you get a job, you get married, you have kids, you die…

I was afraid to follow my dreams or even admit I had any. I was afraid to be different, to go against the grain, to stand out… well, now I say screw that. I live by my rules. I discovered over the last decade that fitness was a passion of mine. I was so distraught about the idea of not being able to have kids that I thought I was less of a woman, I was unworthy of love, I was tainted goods. I told my husband to divorce me. Then one day, a friend brought me to my first yoga class. I always say yoga saved my life and it did… it helped open new doors. Yoga has taught me to love myself, and it helped show me that I was so much more and stronger than I ever imagined. After finding yoga, I developed my love for physical fitness. Almost 5 years ago, I quit my job in education to pursue a career in the fitness industry and opened my own yoga studio- Empower Yoga. Was it easy?  HELL no!! Worth it? Absolutely!! I can honestly say that I am living my best life and while being a business owner is hard, I wouldn't have it any other way. I am happy and thriving and so incredibly grateful for my life. It has been so much more than I ever could have imagined.

Don’t be afraid to fail. You have to live your life.

Don't let the fear of failure hold you back from living your best life. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. 

Resilience is the secret ingredient to success. If you can figure out how to stay the course and get back in the game after failure, you’ll go places and live your dreams. The truth is, most successful people have spent almost as much time down for the count than they do in the fight itself. For example, Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he created the light bulb. 

The lesson to learn from all successful people's stories is if you haven’t failed, you are not reaching high enough. You’re not stretching yourself. Playing it safe sounds easier at first glance, but it’s a mirage and will NEVER get you to where you want to be. If you are going places, failure is just part of the deal. You can fix failure, but you can’t fix the things you never tried. So stop playing it safe and get in the game!

My favorite quote is: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” This is where the magic happens. You may fail, but so be it… You have to learn to fail in order to learn to be great. 

Don’t take rejection personally. 

Repeat after me… Rejection is not an expression of self-worth. I’ve experienced a lot of rejection over the last ten years- personally and professionally.  Rejection just means that there is something better out there for you. It’s redirecting you down the right path. Trust that the Universe has a plan and it knows what it is doing. 

Be grateful for where you are now while striving to reach new goals. 

Live in the moment every day. Be grateful for where you are and what you have NOW. While I believe goals and ambitions are important, what’s also important is appreciating the things in your life and the people in your life that are here NOW.  Sometimes we get so caught up in wanting more and more, we forget what's important and often what is in front of us. We need to be satisfied with what we have in this very, singular moment. 

Work out for your insides & not your outsides.

“Change happens from the inside out. Not the other way around.” 

I have always struggled with my weight and appearance. I suffer from body dysmorphia and have battled eating disorders for years. I’ve compared myself to other people and never felt like I matched up or was worthy. I felt like if I had or did certain things that I would be happy.  But what I discovered was that my outward appearance or circumstances still didn't make me happy. I had to stop comparing myself to others and learn to love myself first. 

What you manifest, you become.

Personal manifesting is unreal. If we take the time to visualize the way we want our life to be, truly write it all down, draw pictures of things we want to create and set the scene for our lives, THINGS HAPPEN. It sounds crazy, but it truly works. Think about your vision and goals for the future. Say them to yourself, talk about it to others, release it into the Universe and watch as things start to happen and appear. 

You are not that important to most people. 

I mean this kindly & honestly. PEOPLE AREN’T THINKING ABOUT YOU OR WHAT YOU ARE DOING AS MUCH AS YOU THINK THEY ARE. I struggled to learn this, especially growing up. Like most teens and young adults, you want to be “cool” and to fit in. We are always so concerned about what others think of us. We try to present ourselves in the best way (I mean look at most of the stuff people post on social media), we are afraid to be vulnerable or different.  We are afraid that if we don't have our lives figured out by a certain point that people won't take us seriously or we are less than. Stop trying to get people to like you. Honestly, no one cares if you’re not married, don’t have kids, gained ten pounds. The right people are going to like you no matter what and the others don't matter. But what matters most is that you like yourself!

No one has everything figured out.

We are all doing our best. We are constantly changing and evolving. It’s ok to not know what you want to do when you grow up. Believe me, I’m 38 and I’m still unsure sometimes. It’s ok to now have life planned out and figured out. Enjoy the process of becoming. 

Embrace Your Winter Yoga Practice

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Are you ready for the winter weather and below freezing temps? As the weather gets colder with it comes the many excuses to stay inside. But don’t let the cold keep you from your yoga practice! 

Here are a few reasons to get on your mat...

Hot yoga feels great on the body.

Chances are, the cold makes you feel stiff and sluggish. All the more reason to roll out your yoga mat. Warming up your muscles and joints is good for the body, improving circulation, reducing stiffness and cramping, and helping you warm up. Building heat from the inside can keep you moving all day.

Yoga boosts your immune system.

Regular exercise strengthens the immune system, making your body ready to fight off the cold and flu viruses floating around this time of year. Keep that first line of defense ready to battle the germs with lots of rest, water, and of course, yoga three times a week or more.

Yoga helps boost your energy.

The short days and dark evenings can leave you feeling sluggish. The best way to boost your body’s energy level naturally is through regular exercise. As little as 3-4 hours per week is all it takes to kick your body into gear. 

Yoga helps open your heart

Want to say “Bah, humbug” to the holidays this year? Don’t get yourself down. Hitting the yoga studio will help you deal with the blues that often accompany the season. 

Practicing simple principles such as compassion, gratitude, and living in the moment will help the negativity roll off your back. Make time for your practice. When your mind is happy and calm, you will be happy and calm.

Yoga can help with holiday stress.

“I’m so stressed out. My mind is racing. Everything seems overwhelming. I just can’t stop thinking!” Are these anxious feelings wearing down your holiday spirit? It’s time to take a break. Get on your mat and watch your worries literally melt into the mat and leave you feeling clear and refreshed. Breathe your way through calm and control. 

Yoga helps you find balance.

T’is the season to over-indulge. All the holiday parties, cookies, candies, treats, and cocktails can leave you feeling sluggish and tired. Counteracting this with some movement can be just what you need to feel energized and healthy.

Yoga helps you stay grounded.

The seasons come and go. We go through many ups and downs in our lives. Even though the world around us changes, our time on the mat can be a consistent source of comfort and peace. Knowing you can count on your yoga practice promotes mental clarity and a sense of security. 

10 Reasons to Do Yoga Teacher Training!


Have you been considering taking part in our yoga teacher training this summer? Here are some reason why we think you should join our amazing group of trainees!

10 Reasons to Do Yoga Teacher Training!

Written by Angelique Flynn (Co-Lead Instructor)

An estimated 33% of students who complete a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) program never actually teach yoga.  In my experience, about half of students who get that YTT certificate do not go on to teach in a gym or studio, though many use their training to pursue other goals.  So why would you go through 200 hours of training for something you don’t intend to do? Here are some great reasons why:

1) You will get in touch with your body.

Before YTT, my body consisted of major parts, like thighs, knees, shins, and feet.  Now, I have a deeper understanding of my anatomy, like hamstrings, quadriceps, ischial tuberosity.  This helps me with body awareness to avoid injury in other activities and it also helps me to communicate better with medical professionals.

2) You will develop strength and coordination, and lessen your chance of injury.

Before yoga, I constantly tripped over my own feet, often twisting an ankle or worse.  After YTT, my balance is better and my core is stronger. Not only does this help me now, but later in life it will help me with basic activities that we take for granted such as bending over to tie my shoes and twisting.  Yes, a consistent yoga practice can help you in these areas as well, but YTT helps you commit to that regular practice and gain a better understanding how to improve in these areas.

3) You will make new friends!

Let’s face it, making friends as adults can be challenging, particularly if you have moved to a new area or changed careers.  After spending 200 hours with your YTT tribe, you will make lifelong friends who have similar interests as you: YOGA!

4) You will develop or deepen your spiritual practices.  

Learning to let go and let the universe (or whatever your Higher Power is) guide you, is one of the key benefits of a yoga practice.  If you do not already have a relationship with something greater than yourself, YTT will introduce you to many different spiritual practices. If you do have that relationship, YTT will help you deepen your awareness through chanting and meditative techniques.  

5) You will learn new things about yourself.

You will learn just how strong, open minded and committed you are.  Throughout my YTT, I kept asking why they didn’t teach this stuff in high school. If I could have learned then what I learned now, I could have grown self-love and self-acceptance so much earlier in my life.

6) You will gain confidence in yourself.

You will learn to express yourself and be kinder to yourself.  You will also learn to graciously recover from mistakes and missteps.  

7) You will learn how to connect with others.

In addition to reading bodies, you will be able to pour loving energy and light into a room.  You will learn to “hold space” for others. You will learn to communicate with people in all walks of life, and make community accessible to all.

8) You will improve your asana practice.

A major benefit of YTT is deepening your own personal yoga practice.  You will learn safe ways to get into more advanced poses and learn modifications.  You will also be able to identify when you should rest your own body and when you can push further.  Many YTT grads are able to develop their own daily or weekly asana practice outside of a yoga class. And if you’re traveling on vacation and can’t find a yoga studio, you’ll know exactly what to do!

9) You will be able to share with others.

If you do not want to teach in a traditional setting, you can still share what you have learned with family, friends, and children of all ages.  In my YTT program, one person shared yoga with the preschoolers she taught to get them to be quiet for a few minutes each day, one person taught boardroom yoga at her job, one person helped his staff stretch after a long day in the construction industry, one person used mindfulness techniques in her therapy practice, and one person used the asana practice for her high school theater group...the possibilities are endless!

10) You will develop an appreciation for the study of yoga.

Yoga Teacher Training opens up doors to new experiences and wisdom.  There are many avenues to pursue beyond the physical practice. Whatever grabs your interest during training can be pursued further after training.  At the very least, you will be able to practice mindfulness in every aspect of your life!

We hope you’ll join us!

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