Congrats to our 2019 RYT200 Graduates!


“Mindfulness helps you go home to the present. And every time you go there and recognize a condition of happiness that you have, happiness comes.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Congratulations to our Empower Yoga Teacher Training graduates! We are honored to see such passionate individuals furthering their practice in the service of yoga. Our summer immersion graduates embarked on a new chapter in their yogic journey upon the completion of our 200 Hour RYT Program. We are excited for our community of new teachers to share their passion for yoga, connect with like-minded individuals and guide students on a healing path.


10 Reasons to Do Yoga Teacher Training!


Have you been considering taking part in our yoga teacher training this summer? Here are some reason why we think you should join our amazing group of trainees!

10 Reasons to Do Yoga Teacher Training!

Written by Angelique Flynn (Co-Lead Instructor)

An estimated 33% of students who complete a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) program never actually teach yoga.  In my experience, about half of students who get that YTT certificate do not go on to teach in a gym or studio, though many use their training to pursue other goals.  So why would you go through 200 hours of training for something you don’t intend to do? Here are some great reasons why:

1) You will get in touch with your body.

Before YTT, my body consisted of major parts, like thighs, knees, shins, and feet.  Now, I have a deeper understanding of my anatomy, like hamstrings, quadriceps, ischial tuberosity.  This helps me with body awareness to avoid injury in other activities and it also helps me to communicate better with medical professionals.

2) You will develop strength and coordination, and lessen your chance of injury.

Before yoga, I constantly tripped over my own feet, often twisting an ankle or worse.  After YTT, my balance is better and my core is stronger. Not only does this help me now, but later in life it will help me with basic activities that we take for granted such as bending over to tie my shoes and twisting.  Yes, a consistent yoga practice can help you in these areas as well, but YTT helps you commit to that regular practice and gain a better understanding how to improve in these areas.

3) You will make new friends!

Let’s face it, making friends as adults can be challenging, particularly if you have moved to a new area or changed careers.  After spending 200 hours with your YTT tribe, you will make lifelong friends who have similar interests as you: YOGA!

4) You will develop or deepen your spiritual practices.  

Learning to let go and let the universe (or whatever your Higher Power is) guide you, is one of the key benefits of a yoga practice.  If you do not already have a relationship with something greater than yourself, YTT will introduce you to many different spiritual practices. If you do have that relationship, YTT will help you deepen your awareness through chanting and meditative techniques.  

5) You will learn new things about yourself.

You will learn just how strong, open minded and committed you are.  Throughout my YTT, I kept asking why they didn’t teach this stuff in high school. If I could have learned then what I learned now, I could have grown self-love and self-acceptance so much earlier in my life.

6) You will gain confidence in yourself.

You will learn to express yourself and be kinder to yourself.  You will also learn to graciously recover from mistakes and missteps.  

7) You will learn how to connect with others.

In addition to reading bodies, you will be able to pour loving energy and light into a room.  You will learn to “hold space” for others. You will learn to communicate with people in all walks of life, and make community accessible to all.

8) You will improve your asana practice.

A major benefit of YTT is deepening your own personal yoga practice.  You will learn safe ways to get into more advanced poses and learn modifications.  You will also be able to identify when you should rest your own body and when you can push further.  Many YTT grads are able to develop their own daily or weekly asana practice outside of a yoga class. And if you’re traveling on vacation and can’t find a yoga studio, you’ll know exactly what to do!

9) You will be able to share with others.

If you do not want to teach in a traditional setting, you can still share what you have learned with family, friends, and children of all ages.  In my YTT program, one person shared yoga with the preschoolers she taught to get them to be quiet for a few minutes each day, one person taught boardroom yoga at her job, one person helped his staff stretch after a long day in the construction industry, one person used mindfulness techniques in her therapy practice, and one person used the asana practice for her high school theater group...the possibilities are endless!

10) You will develop an appreciation for the study of yoga.

Yoga Teacher Training opens up doors to new experiences and wisdom.  There are many avenues to pursue beyond the physical practice. Whatever grabs your interest during training can be pursued further after training.  At the very least, you will be able to practice mindfulness in every aspect of your life!

We hope you’ll join us!

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