Brianna Kurowski
In the summer of 2017, Brianna traveled to the other side of the world for a whirlwind trip to Bali that included her 200 hour yoga teacher training with Bodhi YogaAcademy. This experience has fortified her with the knowledge to kick off her journey as a yoga instructor.
Her yoga path has twisted and turned over the last fifteen plus years, from free classes at community centers, VHS tapes in her living room, and fun classes at her local gym. It was during a studio class in 2013 when she had a moment she will never forget: sobbing in child’s pose because being on her mat felt like being HOME.
Her practice has deepened and Brianna has become aware that yoga, for her, isn’t about how the poses look on the outside, but how they feel on the inside. She has become aware of how that translates to every aspect of life and seeks to allow that idea to permeate her personal practice, the classes she teaches, and her everyday life.
She believes this life is about acceptance, self love, and balance. Through movement, breath, meditation, and seeking growth Brianna comes to her mat not for the look of it all, but for the feel of it all. She is so inspired to live and teach with this in mind, always.