Make a list, check it twice—there’s still time to be nice!
From an early age, I learned about the importance of helping others. My parents led by example and taught me how to appreciate, to share, and to love. They have instilled in me the need and desire to help others, to give back, and to support those who are less fortunate than me. As a result, I am always looking for ways to help make this world a better place.
One thing I love about owning Empower Yoga is being able to have a platform for helping make a change in the world and reach people on a larger scale. I think giving back is incredibly important. Volunteering in all shapes and forms strengthens our communities, brings people together and provides us with valuable experience and insight.
While we should always help and support those in need all the time, the holidays are a nice reminder to stop, be present, appreciate what we have and also look for ways to help others.
Sometimes, the best gifts that you can give are free. Making a difference, feels good and it fuels us here at Empower Yoga!
With December 25 quickly upon us, consider these 10 good deeds to support those who need it most!
- Take a yoga class! Our studio and many other studios offer weekly donation based classes. Help support a great cause and also de-stress from the holidays. Interested visiting the studio? Each month we offer donation based classes! To learn more, visit our website!
- Shop at a locally owned businesses! Online retailers and big box stores get a lot of love over the holidays. This year, give back to your community by keeping your dollars local. Want to give the gift of health and wellness to that special person in your life? Consider purchasing a gift card to our studio.
- Donate Shoes for Soles 4 Souls. Cleaning out your closet? Consider donating a pair or two gently used shoes. Soles4Souls creates sustainable jobs and provides relief through the distribution of shoes and clothing around the world. Empower Yoga is hosting a shoe drive this January! Pledge to go barefoot and help those in need during the new year!!
- Create holiday cards for nursing home residents. The holidays can be a depressing time of year for nursing home residents. Consider making some homemade holiday cards and distributing them in person at a senior living center in your community.
- Write letters of gratitude to our military! Show your appreciation to our troops, first responders, and veterans. Organizations such as Operation Gratitude & Adopt a US Soldier offer a channel by which to communicate encouragement and express gratitude to those brave men and women serving or who have served in our armed forces.
- Make a donation to the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army accepts clothing, furniture, appliances, and electronics all that will go to help a family in need.
- Donate to Toys for Tots. The objectives of Toys for Tots is to help less fortunate children throughout the US experience the joy of Christmas. Toys for Tots unites all members of local communities in a common cause during their annual toy collection and distribution campaign.
- Donate Food to your local food pantry. Hunger can affect people from all walks of life. Many Americans are one job loss or medical crisis away from food insecurity, but some people, including children and seniors, may be at greater risk of hunger than others. Help feed those in need this holiday. Isn’t everyone entitled to a nice warm meal?
- Volunteer at or donate items to your local animal shelter. There are so many animals being cared for in shelters and foster homes after they were neglected, abused, forfeited, or lost. Whether it’s with some love or attention, to food and toys, there are tons of ways to help!
- Donate items or volunteer at a local homeless shelter. In Central NJ, HomeFront is always looking for household goods, food, and clothing.
Wishing everyone a happy & healthy holiday season and a wonderful new year!